
Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Blackmore's Community Day

On Wednesday my class and I went to the hall to get free lunch from the Blackmore community.
First when my class and I got to the hall. we went in after room 8 .and then when we walked we saw people from the the Blackmore community and next to them was a table full of boxes with food inside. When my class and I got our food we went on the deck and sat down. The food in the box was delicious. Then after my class and I ate we talked for a little bit and played  and went back to class.

All around the blackmore community was great and I hope they return


Monday, 11 February 2019

Swimming with my new Teachers

Today my class and I went swimming with our new swimming coach after Room 11 .When my class and I got to the swimming pool we sat down and waited for the people who were getting changed because the rest of the class got changed in class.

When the people who went to get changed into there togs  and came of the changing room.The couch's who will be teaching us for a few weeks introduced them self my coach name is (I forgot) he told us to lay on our front and back and do things like relays and lay on your back and front for five seconds. And finally for the rest of our time my class and I had we played. 

Today I loved swimming it was great and I hope it will be like that when I go back there tomorrow .